Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

We got up and went to 8 a.m. mass. This past week I wrote a letter to the church and explained our current health conditions. I told the priest that we are on so many prayer lists, but had never contacted our own church. I asked that we be put on our own list. We were very pleased to see that in the bulletin that our names were mentioned. Afterwards, Barry whined for some bacon and eggs. And since it is Father's Day, I gave in to him and cooked some for the family.
Don't want to see a grown man cry.

Again, nothing planned for the day. I love Sundays because I love my afternoon naps. It is of course a day of rest.

Barry's had a bad tooth ache since Friday. Been in a lot of pain since then. Hopefully will get in to see dentist first thing Monday morning. With everything going on in our lives we don't need that pain.

This past week I learned that a friend of mine has also just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Every day someone new is touched with this dreaded disease. And since it seems to be so common, it's almost not even a shock anymore. And this is sad. This woman, who I will not mention by name for her privacy, will be starting her journey next week when she consults with a surgeon. I have told her that the waiting for results of pathology reports is very difficult. But I have also told her that I'm right here for her, just a step or two ahead of her. I know in my heart that she will do fine and beat it, and that's because I know she has the faith that is needed to do so. I've been where she is but it will get better.

As planned, I took a mini nap today. Took Tim to local mall to buy new video game for our vacation. Later on in the day, Tim went to the town pool for a couple of hours. He and his friend's family closed it up at 8 p.m. A bit cool but he still enjoyed himself.

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