Saturday, October 07, 2006

Another survivor....

Just got finished doing some web surfing and came upon this story. A local 16 year old sophomore attends homecoming court. Here is an excerpt from the article:

Taylor is in the ninth month of an exhausting yet courageous battle for life. It was in mid-January that, following a bout with heartburn and loss of appetite, the Neshannock junior varsity cheerleader was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissues and muscles. Six days after Taylor was diagnosed, an aggressive yearlong regimen of chemotherapy was devised, and within days, she began to lose her shoulder-length blonde hair. On May 1, she underwent exploratory surgery to remove a tumor, followed by 16 days of radiation, which made her so ill she couldn't even sit up.

"Cancer patients talk about how chemo makes them sick, but she's handled the chemo pretty well," her mother, Andi, said. "It was the radiation that made her the sickest."

Her already petite 98-pound body shrunk to 80 pounds, and while she is up to 110 pounds, Andi estimates her daughter has spent 80 percent of the last nine months in Children's, limiting the homebound instruction she can receive.


She is like I was, rather go bald than wear a wig. And that's how she went to the dance. You do gain strength through all this stuff. My prayers go out to her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have heard about this story...and we certainly could learn alot about the things we worry about that really don't matter...