Sunday, October 22, 2006

Another weekend over

All in all it was a nice weekend. We went to local football game on Friday night, they won again. Undefeated with record being 8-0 I believe. And of course, a chance to see Tim and the band perform which I enjoy. It was another evening of conversing with friends non-stop. It was a bit chilly at the game. Wish we had worn hats. I did hop into the hottub afterwards.

Yesterday a.m. the band performed for homecoming for the local college. It was really nice. Lots of people down our little main street. Barry bought new digital camera so he was taking a lot of pictures Friday night and yesterday morning. I was glad to see him so excited about having this new camera. He'll be able to zoom in closer than we've ever been able to. Wasn't on my top 10 things to buy, but with everything going on in his life he truly deserved it. My end thought was go for it, enjoy yourself.

Last night we went out to dinner again with 2 other couples and their kids. Went to a new restaurant which is always nice to check out. Especially when the food is good. All the time we lived elsewhere we never went out with other couples like here. Again, we are so blessed to be here.

About the only thing accomplished today was church. But then, it is Sunday which is a day of rest. Cooked a pork loin for lunch and Barry returned to work after being off for his chemo treatment. Tim played his usual Sunday game of racquetball with is friends. When he came home, we both took naps. Now some may say 3 hours is no nap! But boy did we sleep. Hadn't had such a sleep in a long time.

This week I have appt. with doctor to set up colonoscopy for myself, and a follow-up appt. with my oncologist. My finger, palm and arm area are much better. I self diagnosed it to possibly be ulna nerve. This job has entailed a lot of data entry which I am not used to. And am using a desk that is not really set for such a job. Just took it easy on Friday, noticing that the hand hurt when doing the typing. Trying to change the way I type while there.

Just want to say thanks for anyone who does read this blog. There are often days that I don't feel like writing anything, but when I get a posting from someone I realize that hey, there actually is someone reading this. And some days I just have nothing to say. So thanks for reading and caring.

PS. Dr. G is Barry's doctor from Pittsburgh. Touched my heart to know that he had the time to even read this, and to post a comment was so special. Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to know that I don't always read or post to your blog but think of you guys often. I am so glad you are living here. You guys are great!!
