Sunday, October 29, 2006


Can't believe that I haven't posted anything for about a week. Shame on me. Nothing really new to report. Did have visit with my oncologist on Thursday to check on discomfort in right breat and arm. Swollen a bit, and he has prescribed an antibiotic for me. Possible infection brewing, warm to his touch. Could also be lymphedema related which does sound like it to me. That is connected to the ulna nerve which runs down to the hand. Probably why I've had tingling feeling in pinky and palm area. Haven't been able to sleep as good as I would like since I usually sleep on my right side, and that's been uncomfortable. I try not to "whine" as I can't imagine what Barry is feeling daily.

Friday night Tim went to an away football game. I stayed home. Too wet for me. The band ended up staying on the bus for most of the time. They played in the bleechers at 1/2 time. About 16 songs. The other team's own band didn't even attend. It was about 1 1/2 hrs. away. The whole time he was gone I was worrying about how cold and wet he was. So I was glad to know he was OK. The team won again. Undefeated and I believe they will be going to playoffs.

This past weekend has been very windy and rainy. Yesterday for about 5 minutes we had hail like snow storm, and wind so strong it was making it go sideways. Strange weather.

Last night Tim went to his first concert near Pittsburgh with a fellow classmate. Her father drove them there. Was able to see 4 small bands perform. Had a great time. All for $10. You can't beat that price. He was so cute in telling me of the concert.

Today I did some lawn work, picked up so many leaves. Sun was out most of the day. Still windy though. I love being outside.

This Friday I go for a repeat MUGA scan on my heart. Last one was done 6 months ago. The good thing about this test is the technician. Nice cute guy. He was there about a month ago when Barry had his test done. So am hoping he is still there now.

Tim has finished outdoor soccer (yeah) and will have his first indoor soccer game this Wednesday. Looking forward to it. Only 1 hour and inside where it's warm. You can't beat that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope the MUGA scan goes well with the CUTE TECH. Keep us posted.