Monday, July 10, 2006

Have not had luxury of internet while on the Cape. The time is going by too quickly. Not sure if we'll be able to do all that we wanted to do. Tim is actually gone for a whale watching trip with Maureen as I visit with my parents and use their computer. Barry's going to be working on Dad's computer after I sign off.

Weather has been nice. Enjoying the views of the Cape Cod canal. We've been watching a lot of DVD's each evening. The local grocery store rents them from a self service machine like a soda machine. All for only $1.00 each day. Can't beat that.

Well, time to sign off and enjoy family. Looking forward to seeing Cousin Tim and his wife tomorrow who are coming from Ct. Should be a good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The DVD's sound cool. How do you return them??
