Saturday, July 29, 2006

I let Tim get in driver's seat

It's been so hot and humid lately. Have enjoyed staying inside after work. Have kept up with spinning exercise. This week I went twice after work. A lot of fun, a lot of sweat. It's about 45 minutes of high energy exercise listening to good music.

This evening Tim and I did head back to the local college track. I walked a little over a mile, he ran for quite a few laps more than I did! That's youth. It was such a beautiful site. There was a boat in the lake with a couple of guys in it. Had a small trolling engine on it. Something you don't see often. Usually only see people fishing there. It's not a large lake by any means. I did hear that a few years ago it was actually a swimming place. One of these days I have to bring my camera and take pictures of it.

Haven't written about Barry lately. He's been feeling some pain in his shoulder and liver area for past month. But you know, he never complains. I only know it because I ask him how he's doing. Takes the alleve and keeps on going. Knowing what he is going through, I try not to complain about any aches I have. One thing that amazes me, he has not lost his hair with this chemo treatment. Even though he's getting same adriamicin that I had. Strange but good.

Oh, one other thing. After Tim and I walked, I let him get in the driver's seat of truck and drive up the driveway! Can't believe that in February he'll be getting his learner's permit. He told me that I don't get out of my comfort zone (or something like that) and be daring. Then I let him back down the driveway. And you know, he did it by using the rear view mirrow. Pretty good. I always have to lean out the stupid window. Kid is growing up too fast.

Next chemo treatment for Barry, which is August 15th, I'm taking Tim with me. He'll be company for me. This way I won't have to worry how he is doing at home. And if there is accomodations for us at the local housing/hotel for patients' families. You don't know until the day of the hospital visit. I've put in a reservation already. And you know, it could be a good boost for Barry to have him there.

Tim heads to band camp tomorrow for the week, and Barry also is heading to a business training seminar all week. Sure am going to miss them both. It just happens that both are at the same time. Good thing is I don't have to cook! (not that I have been doing that much)

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