Sunday, July 23, 2006

WOW what a day...

It's been one of those uplifting days, even though that was not even planned. Today's sermon was about having plans, and how sometimes our plans change. We may have our own plans but God has HIS plans for us. It was one of those sermons that just hits you in the heart, and I get the pen and paper out to write down just a few words to remember later.

In the evening, after Tim and I went to local ice cream store, we went to the college track to do some walking/running. There was a lot of activity at the college. Tim told me that it was Missionary week there. I could not believe all the people walking around the campus. As I was walking I could hear music in the amphiteatre which quickly caught my ear. I'm a sucker for music. After we did our exercise, we headed up in the car to see what was happening. As we drove up, a girl's voice called "hey Tim K". I thought, geez a small world! Not knowing that it was a girl from his school who was attending the missionary event. She talked of a great speaker (Tony Campolo) they had, and invited us to attend the next event. We drove home, I did an online search of the college and the missionary conference and did find out that it was an evening open to the public, and that David Bailey (a Christian singer) was also going to perform. This man's name and story was told to me last year when I was going through chemo. Jody had mentioned to me that he had been diagnosed with a brain tumor (now also a cancer survivor for 10 years) and had been told he only had months to live.

To make a long story short, Tim and I changed and went back to the concert and evening of prayer. It was full of Christian singing, the kind I adore. Words to the songs appeared on a large screen so you could raise your hands/clap your hands and sing/dance to the songs. This was followed by a very moving minister. I can't recall his name, but will look it up later. David Bailey was truly moving as he sang . After his performance I did go up to him and state that I was a cancer survivor along with my husband. I'm not ashamed to say that I shed tears this evening, tears that cleanse my soul. I truly get moved by song and do truly enjoy upbeat Christian music. For some reason the Catholics don't have that going, at least in our church. And for me, feeling the faith in song is so meaningful to me.

It's truly been a great day. One not planned at all, but aren't those the best kind of days.

The missionary conference is in town all week and I've been invited to be a part of the evening music whenever I can.

God bless you.

Tony Campolo, professor emeritus at Eastern University, is the founder of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education, an organization that develops schools and social programs in various third world countries and in cities across North America. He is the author of many books, his most recent being, "Speaking My Mind."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally read all the blogs and enjoued all of them. The pictures are great.
Keep the faith and all your new friends.
Love uou and praying for you.