Monday, August 14, 2006

One job ends and another will start

After 3 1/2 years in present job, today was my last day. And it ended like I remember most days to be: very busy. Got there 1 hr. early to get work done from Friday, and worked through our lunch hour. End result: 10 hr. work day. The one thing good about it was that my new job starts on Thursday. And I'm pretty excited about that. Something new and a chance to work once again with someone I had worked with previously.

Tomorrow Barry goes once again for his chemoembolization treatment. I've decided that it was best to go by myself, not take Tim with me. Too long of a day for him. If I'm not mistaken this will be his 4th such treatment. He will be having his CT scan done before the treatment. Usually it is done a week before but doing it the same day saved us a trip into the city. Fingers crossed and prayers are being prayed for good news.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane and Barry:

Congratulations on a "fresh start" for you, Jane, and I will be praying for Barry today. I hope his scan shows the results wished for, and the treatment goes well.

Anonymous said...

Praying for us blogged and up to date....