Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

For Mother's Day today I woke up and cooked Barry a nice breakfast. He left at about 9 a.m. to travel to a training seminar in Illinois. Why he likes to drive I will never know. I think it's about a 9 hr. drive (600 miles), but time will tell. He'll be there all week and I'm sure we will miss him a lot. He could have flown but chose to drive. Flying in an airplane while going through chemo is not the best thing to do due to so many recycled germs. And he's looking at the bright side of the trip, a chance to see more of the USA.

Tim and I are headed to church soon. He has a soccer game later this afternoon. So far the sky has not opened up to rain. Just a cool cloudy day, unlike last year when the temps were in 70s. (I looked back at my blog to find that.) I haven't even made up baskets of flowers yet due to the cool weather we've been having.

Update: Barry had to take detour on trip due to at least a 10 mile backup (fatality involved) and that part of the road could be closed until evening. Thank goodness for CB radio. While on the many miles of detour he had stopped for a quick burger lunch and called us.

Tim and I ended up not going to away soccer game. Found out that it was over 1 hr and 15 mins away. Another soccer parent and I debated about going and made adult decision not to go. Am I glad about that. Shortly after deciding this, the sky opened up with thunder and the rains came. Good napping weather! My way of celebrating my special day! Actually Tim ended up in his room napping, too. Soon we may go for chinese buffet.

7 PM. Barry has arrived at the hotel. Thank goodness. A very long trip for one person to drive. Now I can relax knowing he's there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day to You too, Jane.
Kay says she appreciates your GREETING, both e mail and phone, and of course, the eating out gift card ! ! !