Friday, July 20, 2007

Chemo for me today...

My appt. with my oncologist was at 9:20 a.m. today. All my blood work came out fine. Thank goodness. The only think I mentioned to him as a side effect was the nose bleeds I have been getting. But as I had read, that is caused by avastin. As long as they don't last longer than 5 minutes, I am in good shape. And today I've been noticing a runny drippy nose. Funny because another cancer survivor Ann had mentioned that she gets that also from avastin.

It was a drug filled day for me. For the first time I was given 3 drugs. The chemo drug Taxol, zomeda for bone strength and avastin to stop blood flow to tumor. And yes, the port worked great. I agreed to having all 3 today since zomeda had been postponed on my last treatment since I had been experiencing sensitivity in my teeth. I had my dentist check them out, and was given a fluoride treatment. Have to be careful with teeth, not able to have any dental work (except like x rays) without approval from oncologist. A side effect is problems with your jaw. It seems that all drugs have side effects. Heck, even the drugs can harm you.

By 10 a.m. the IV's were being connected to my port. I did snooze a bit. I think I was there until either 1:30 or 2:30 p.m. Chemo brain, can't remember. Just know it was for awhile. Had some chicken salad for lunch, and then went into my "cave" for about 3 hrs. for sleep. I had woken up with headache which lasted most of the day. It wasn't until I took excedrin after my nap that it went away. And of course, I had no caffeine soda in my house to drink.

Tim is on his way home. Should be here between 10 p.m. and midnight. Barry's already taking bets that he won't call until he's just about at church.


Anonymous said...

glad you are home. rest easy

Ann said...

Big day. You are amazing! Glad your boy is coming home. :) Ann

Anonymous said...

glad tim is headed home. can't wait to hear about the mission trip. The church sent a great group out. We will soon be seeing them off to band camp.
thinking of you and reading as always...