Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tim leaves for his mission trip

Tim and I got up at 5:30 a.m. to get to church for their mission trip departure at 6:30 a.m. Geez, two early wake up calls in a few days. 12 kids went along with 5 chaperones. Last year there were only 3 kids so at least it's 4 times more this year. A small group but a new youth group ministry. 2 minivans and a car loaded to the roof. The kids were quite excited. I told them they should name the trip "Mission Possible." I went home and went back to bed until 10:30 a.m. Hasn't even been 24 hrs. and I miss Tim already. He's gone cell phone free and I'm attempting to be a big girl. Know that he's in good company and enjoying himself. Tomorrow will be their first day "on the job" and I can't wait to hear the stories of their trip.

Barry took it easy today, continues to be a bit sore which is totally expected. His chemo treatments take a toll on him but he's not a complainer. Doesn't even like to take meds except alleve. More of a man than I am! He goes for his neulasta shot tomorrow. I took my usual long nap today. And as usual, Barry would have liked to nap but couldn't fall asleep. Steroids at work.

I have my appointment with Dr. G. my oncologist on Friday, followed by another chemo treatment. If memory serves me correctly, after this cycle of 3 Fridays in a row I should be having a repeat CT scan to show how the tumor is doing in size.

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