Friday, July 06, 2007

Taxol and avastin for me today/CT Scans for Barry today

Both of us had doctor appts. today. Barry went for his usual CT scans in preparation for his next chemoembolization procedure which should be next Friday. And I went to the Cancer Center for my chemo treatment. Today's treatment was taxol and avastin. And yes, the new port worked fine. No problems. It would have been the bone strengthening drug instead of avastin, but since I had mentioned my sensitive teeth to my oncologist he put that drug on hold until I got back to him. And unfortunately he had taken off today. So when I see him in 2 weeks, I will be able to update him on my teeth. Glad to report that since I had a fluoride treatment last week, and used sensodyne for a couple of days, my teeth appear to be fine. The bone drug in question does have possible side effects with the jaw, therefore you have to be very cautious. The one thing that I heard about avastin is that could be the cause of my zit head. That will be easy to spot for me!

Today ends my 2nd round of this chemo treatment. I'm off next week (but will be taking Barry for his chemo) from having chemo. A round or cylce consists of 3 Fridays of chemo, and then a Friday off. My plan is to have a total 3 rounds and then have a chest CT scan to see how the cancer is being effected by the chemo. I can notice a small change. But unlike the first time I was diagnosed with breast cancer, there is no known number of treatments I will be having. I'm often asked that of Barry: how's he doing and how many chemo treatments does he have to go through? Unfortunately, there is no answer to the second question just as with me. We keep pluggin' through.

After our appts. Barry and I went out for late lunch/early dinner. Tim weed wacked a neighbor's yard. I took a nap as usual at about 5 p.m. And we just got back from having ice cream at our local stand. A little treat.

So ends another Friday.

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