Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Clothes now fit me

Since I lost about 20 lbs. with the surgery, I am now able to wear clothes that were shoved away in a closet. Once again jeans and a lot of suits now fit me. Also have updated my wardrobe to include underwear that are not old ladies' underwear! For some reason I had not thrown away all these clothes. Believe me, I don't think I would have lost the weight just by dieting. Took something major for me to lose the pounds.

I've been thinking of how I was feeling a week ago when I was at doctor's office. Crying due to the pain that wasn't subsiding. Worried about taking pain meds. And now, one week later I see such improvement. Not painfree, but less pain. I think when you've had such pain that anything less is comforting. And for the time there is no pain it gives me hope to know that some day I will be painfree all the day.

My next appts. are the first week of January. My goal is to return to my job the following week with the doctor's approvals. My bosses are welcoming me back part-time if needed. Not sure how I'll be feeling but I do know that it will be for the better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane!

So you ditched the old undies for a thong, eh? Woo hoo! :-)

Seriously - I am so, so happy to be able to tell you feel much better just by reading your words. Praise God the pain is finally subsiding and you are feeling "human" again. You have such a positive outlook. This New Year will bring a new YOU. Healthy!!!

Since you lost 20 pounds you have a wonderful excuse to indulge in all the Holiday goodies. Enjoy!

Love, JK