Friday, December 07, 2007


Wanted: A phone call just to say hi, how are you feeling?
A phone call just to say hi, how about some icecream?
A phone call just to say "lunch".

Working for me was always a form of therapy, got my mind off of the disease. But now that I've been home, I sure do miss conversations. I have not driven since the surgery since I continue to be on pain meds.

A had a couple night gatherings with friends this week that went along the above lines. Just conversing to another takes your mind off of your pains. And a lunch date today. Does pick up your spirits a bit. Healing can be very frustrating.

99 percent of the time I am home and just resting/healing. The incision is slowly healing, perhap has about 1 1/2 inches of open space to close up. Coninue to have aches in my upper body, collar bone/shoulder area and of course where the skin was taken from. But each day is better. Will tave Tim take some recent pictures for my blog.

At this morning's weigh in I was down to 126 lbs. Lowest in more years than I can count. Actually took a pair of jeans out of closet that were headed to Goodwill.
My appetite is not as good as it has been. I think when you don't feel good, you don't eat as much. Nothing wrong with my sleeping.

Well, that's it for now. WE had our first snow this week, therefore I cross my fingers as Tim heads off to school in his car.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane, Barry & Tim: Just checking in on you three. Hope you have a good week and we are all still thinking about you guys! Sending healing prayers your way today.
Love Always,
Uncle Howard, Auntie Betty, Debbie & Howie

Anonymous said...

WISH I WAS CLOSER TO TAKE U OUT SINCE U CAN'T DRIVE WHILE ON THE NARCOTICS!!! Hang tough and remember what i told u today!! u need to get out and not be by yourself as much-a baby step each day will get u there!! love moe