Saturday, January 21, 2006

Get well soon

Got email from my father this morning saying that my sister Maureen was admitted to hospital with gall bladder problems. She's been having rounds of pain from gall stones. Just got off the phone from talking with her. Looks like she may be having the gall bladder out this coming week. She's had tests before today and also while in hospital. Geez, what the heck is happening to this family! But we're tough people and we can take what is given to us. Does make us stronger and I can vouch for that. So, as she has previously asked for me I am asking for her: send some good vibes and prayers her way for me.

Went shopping this morning and got Tim another pair of ice skates. You would think it would be easy to find skates, but it wasn't. He's always enjoyed skating so I'm glad he wanted another pair. Hopefully he'll go tonight to skate.

Well, Tim do go skating with 3 of his friends tonight and of course had a good time.


Anonymous said...

Tim Come to the Cape, no frost in the ground, no snow since before Christmas.
You might just be able to SWIM, and thats cheaper than a new pair of skates.
Oh, forgot to tell u, the ocean temp at Craigville Beach is a "cool" 41.
SO?? be a polar bear

Anonymous said...

Maureen has my thoughts and prayers! Such a wonderful, upbeat person - a true delight. I am sure she will do fine with the surgery and after. Hang in there Maureen! Love, Mary Lou