Friday, January 06, 2006

One of my better days

I went to work today and got so many compliments about my hair style and color. Truly made me feel so good. Even got a couple of emails from people who had seen me in building and wanted me to know. As the title says, one of my better days. I now know short hair is for me. Barry likes it because it's redder than usual. And he's hard to please...

Barry had his weekly chemo today. Was greeted by his nurses singing "Barry"...Royal treatment at the cancer center. But for some strange reason, there was a lot of Steeler shirts being worn!

Tim's playing in the band at the local basketball game tonight. I was able to go visit Meg and show her my hairdo in person. She had already sent me an email telling me that I looked mahr velous..... She may not blog but she keeps up to date with my blog and emails me directly. Thanks.

Off to do treadmill. Yes, I've been keeping up with it. And drinking lots of water, no soda. Or should I say "pop".

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