Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's my TWO year Cancer-versary today!

And to think that J remembered it. You can tell who has personally been touched by cancer to remember such a date.

Yes, 2 years ago today I first heard that dreaded word "cancer". It's so clear to me. Look at what has happened since to us. So much, the good the bad and the ugly.

I'm headed to work early this a.m. for a "breakfast with the President" meeting. Took me 4 years to be able to get up to that special floor of that building, and am looking forward to it.

Well, off to work I go. And with a much clearer mind. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jane - how was breakfast? What a way to celebrate that cancer-versary!

While some people prefer to let the day pass quietly, I think of it as a big milestone to show how far you've come physically & emotionally. In a way it is like a celebration of two years of the "second chance at life".

You and Barry continue to inspire everyone who know you two. You both radiate strength.

Love, JK

Anonymous said...

Jane...just catching up reading your blog....thank God for the good news.....take care of yourself.....gerry

Anonymous said...

Every milestone,every "day" is a miracle and you are an inspiration to those who go forward with cancer and to those that live with cancer and ...for those who don't ...we witness and watch the courage that is uniquely "yours".