Saturday, August 25, 2007

First day after taxatere...

and I showed no side effects. Thank God. Just did not sleep well, up and down since about 3 a.m. But that was probably due to steroid they give me. I also have to take that and another pill today and tomorrow. But if that's the only problem, it is no problem.

My chemo pills arrived by courier at about 5 p.m. According to my oncologist, I am postponing starting them until tomorrow. Too late in day to get proper dosage into my system.

Today I went to the store and bought a couple of items so I would have them on hand. Udder cream to be used on my palms and bottom of my feet, and immodium AD for possible side effect of diarrhea. Two common side effects. You basically have to pamper your feet and palms while on the pill Xeloda. Never go barefoot, no hot baths, lotion them up, and when sitting have them resting on pillow. And wear loose fitting shoes. They mention to wear slippers.

One more thing. Please pray for my dad also as he was hospitalized yesterday p.m. Had been having dizzy spells for at least a week. My sister who is a nurse stopped by their house upon getting to the Cape yesterday. My dad was up briefly, got light headed and went to bed. She checked on him and he had fever. Immediately took him to ER. and was hospitalized. All his blood counts were screwed up big time. Diagnosed with a parasite infection called babesiosis:

probably caused by a deer tick. Also being checked for lyme disease. During the day his fever was up to 103 and he couldn't stop shivering. They would not give him an extra blanket due to fever. Finally tonight it was down to 99, but blood counts were still bad. He's quite sick. I only spoke to him for a minute as he was not himself. I should have known. Yesterday when I called him with test results, he went on talking about something else. Didn't acknowledge what I had said. Then asked my how the results were. And said to me like he always would say "Damn it!"

With him being in hospital, it leaves my mom without a caretaker. So between my other family members they will work it out. I wish I could be there, but can only be there in my thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

hope your dad is feeling better soon. tell him that i am thinking of him. you told me something was up with him. hope he is up and around soon. all our best
love ya

Anonymous said...

Jane: I'm glad that you didn't notice any major side effects so far - hope you tolerate the Xeloda as well as Ann does.

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. When it rains, it pours.

Hugs to you - JK