Monday, August 13, 2007

Thanks....for being there.

I guess I never realized how many people do read my blog. A woman I work with came up to me this a.m. and said "I'm glad you got out of the bubble bath!" A blog entry I made earlier last week followed by silence. It made me feel so good knowing that people are concerned/interested in what is going on in my/our lives. She does not post comments, and therefore I was not aware that she reads the blog. A case of being shy. Why shy when I attempt to put my story/thoughts out there for anyone to read? I told her she could post anonymously or just with initials as others do. Anyhow or anyway, I do appreciate knowing that you are out there.

I've come down with an annoying cough which causes chest to hurt from within. If I wasn't dealing with cancer, I would think no more of the pain. But knowing the tumor is in the location of the pain, does cause some concern for me. Assuming it could be chest cold, I'm taking sudafed along with cough medicine. I only know that when I cough (which I try to avoid) it is painful. I can't wait to see my oncologist Friday to have him check into it. I am very anxious for my first CT scan since Mother's Day weekend.


Anonymous said...

I feel good about your next dr. appt. I can see how much the area has gone down. i am expecting a good result for you on friday. how can it be otherwise with all of us praying for you!!!! hope you get a good nights rest with that cough. love ya

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being a great listener and really listening. So many talk but never listen. You are special!
I appreciate your sense of wit and take on things. I am praying for all the good news you can get Friday!

Anonymous said...

Jane, I know that many of us check your blog every day when they sit at the computer. As for me that is about 5 times a day since I love checking me email. (I know, I am a sick puppy!!) Thanks for the continual updating of your life. I think for many of us it keeps us closer to you and your cancer and gives us a way to feel what you are going through. It is good not to forget. love ya, Lisa

Anonymous said...

I read all your blog. You have a terrific outlook and take pleasure in all things you do. Glad you had a nice conversation with your Mom. It's time to plant your poppy. They're coming up out front, even from the root where yours was planted. Always in our prayers. Mom