Sunday, November 16, 2008

A great Sunday

I was truly blessed today by so many people. You know, we may not be Presbyterians but I feel so lucky to attend this church. And I feel at home and at peace while there among so many that truly care for me. This was shown to me today, along with in the past by Lisa H. My friend Patti spoke of our friendship today, in front of the congreagation. She spoke of how we met at the soccer game last year. When I approached her to be in the operating room during my long chest resection. I had not met her until that day. That was the day that our friendship began. She gave a history of what we've been through, explaining how I always try to be positive and have a smile on my face. She spoke after the church had a group blessing. If you wanted to be blessed with oil you just had to approach a church leader and do so. I knew this was happening today. Afer I sat there for awhile I decided to walk to the front of the church. A friend of mine Ronee held out her hand to me. And then we got a blessing. Followed by free hugs. I went back to my seat where I was sitting with Bev and Rick. I sat in the middle of them while both placed their arms around me. This was when Patti spoke.

I wonder why some people go through life without touching anyone, while others quite the opposite. I prefer to hang out with the ones that aren't afraid to hug and to be hugged.

I have audio CD of this sermon and one from the other day. That way I can listen whenever I chose to.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane:

I'm so glad you were anointed with oil yesterday. May God bless you with healing!

How wonderful of your angel PK to share the story of your friendship and all you mean to each other with the congregation. That was certainly a "memory day" for you! God certainly placed her in your life for a big reason.

As Christians, being able to lift each other up in good times and bad is what it is all about. Whether Protestant or Catholic, having faith and believing that it is through Jesus Christ and His grace that we are saved is all that matters.

Hope you are still on a "high" from yesterday!

Love, JK

Anonymous said...

Jane, It is so hard to believe that it was just last soccer season that we were talking about your surgery and I mentioned Patti and her job and how she could be in the operating room with you. I had forgotten that you didn't know her before that!!!! It seems like she has been your friend for years and years. What a blessing she has been in your life and you in hers as well. I am so thankful to live in a community that not only knows their neighbors but cares for them as well!!

Lisa P

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day you had...Thanks to Pretty Patty...You do have wonderful friends to keep your spirits up when you need them the most. I hope you have a great week and stay out of the cold. It is cold here so must be worse there. LOL I love you all very much. Please give Pretty Patty, Becky, Jody and everyone a big hug from me. I love them all too Eileen

Anonymous said...

Jane you ARE positive, and that positive part of your soul puts smiles on many people's faces.

You and Barry are true inspiration for me...and Timmy2 is the best son parents can ever dream of having.

Despite your trials, you are truly blessed as a family to be so close and loving with each other.

All my love and thoughts.


Anonymous said...

That was really a great service Sunday. I can't remember a church service that touched me so much. I could hardly stop the flow of tears as you walked up for your blessing. I was glad that Tim was sitting with us beside Josh. It was just so emotional for me watching you and all you and tim and barry have been through. Patti did such a great job speaking about 'the amazing jane kaminske.' Ok she lost me on that one. The tears started to flow again. She did such a great job getting through that. I would have been blubbering through my tears. It was overwhelming to see all the people you have touched in our church. My heart was bursting with pride to know that you are my friend. I don't think I will ever forget that service. Kudos to Lisa for another job well done. You deserved all the love sent you way on Sunday. Tell Eileen I send a hug her way also. I haven't talked to her lately...kind of miss catching up with her. Hope you have a restful week. As always,
love ya