Monday, February 11, 2008

Biopsy shows positive for cancer

I've heard those words twice before today, but today's words have just hit me like a brick. Perhaps since I'm still recovering from the extensive surgery from November. You can never get used to the words. I cry today not for myself but for Timmy. No kid needs to have his parents, both of them, go through this shit. And I mean that. I do know that he too is a survivor, but he's also my son. Just a bad day. What else can I say.

Tomorrow this darkness will go away.

Thanks for your continued prayers.



Anonymous said...

I had talked to Barry earlier so I knew about the radiation when you stopped by. You looked so tired from all day at work that I didn't even want to bring it up with you. I could tell you needed to be home. I think we will all agree that Tim is definitely a survivor. If we only knew what he sees through his eyes. He is never far from my mind. I have kept Christian up to date and he is keeping an eye on him at school. Boy you all need a break! we love you

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane. I pray God's word gives you peace:

"Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.

But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:4-5

Love, JK