Sunday, February 03, 2008

Dad admitted to hospital today...

My father had been feeling sick/crappy all week. My sister Maureen went to the Cape just to make sure he was OK. Upon getting there Friday night, he had thrown up his dinner. She got him to eat some jello and toast. Took care of my mom by washing her hair and doing her nails. Next a.m. (Sat.) she went back. Dad was dressed and seemed better. She took my mother for few hrs. to give dad some relief. At 1 p.m. she got back to their house and he was worse. Called their friend to come sit with mom, and took Dad to ER. Was there for about 4 hrs. on IV. Blood work OK. They changed his anti nausea med to be less sedative. Got home at about 5:30 p.m.

My sister was supposed to return to work today after having her drive-by hysterectomy but had to call out due to dad's health.

This a.m. she went back to see how he was doing and he wasn't any better, was very dizzy. So it's been a repeat of yesterday and they are back at hospital now.

It's tough to be sick, any age. Today my brother will be going to the Cape to stay overnight there.

It's during these times I wish I lived closer to be able to help them.

Updated blog 10:35 PM

My father ended up being admitted to hospital this a.m. onto the cardiac floor. While in ER his heart did something called "flutter" so that will be monitored. I did talk to him tonight and of course he's still not himself. Am glad that he was able to watch the Patriots (but I do know he would have loved them to win). At least he's in the hospital finally getting the care that he needs. As for my mother, my sister has brought her to my brother's house to stay there tomorrow on his day off. He's a chef/owner of restaurant so works tons of hours. Already worked about 100 hrs. this week. I think my sister is due back to work this Thursday, so it'll be up in the air who will take care of my mother if dad is still in hospital. I can only pray that eventually a plan is set up for such emergency situations: such as an "adult sitter." There's got to be such a person who could watch and keep my mom company.

Tim's come down with fever at about 5 p.m. today, along with aches/chills. But watched TV with me tonight.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane:

Gee I am sorry to hear your dad is ill. I hope he feels better soon. Just knowing that you are thinking about him and praying for him is enough, I'm sure.

Your comment about Maureen's hysterectomy made me chuckle (in a good way!) I've heard of "drive-thru" hysterectomies, but never "drive-by" ones. I think drive-by is a better description and says it all! Please give her my best.

Thinking of you for Tuesday.

Love, your friend JK

Anonymous said...

I THINK DAD'S WEEKEND WAS LOUSY LIKE THE PATRIOTS SUPER BOWL!! well better times to come to all! i might get a poor attendence record too Jane!! adios and have a better week!!!love ya moe who is in charge of dad for a few days--what could be easier than that!!

Anonymous said...

thinking of you and your family. hugs, bj

Anonymous said...

Hope the timster is feeling better. Tell your Dad that I am thinking about him. Isn't your biopsy scheduled for tomorrow? Keep us updated. love ya

Anonymous said...

may tomorrow be a smooth adventure for the biopsy at noon!! good luck! adios moe