Thursday, July 24, 2008

A LONG Day as usual of testing.

I got picked up this a.m. at 11:15 by a friend Cathy. And didn't get home until 7:30 p.m. And after the tests we went to cafeteria and I got a slice of pizza that probably was under the heat lamp all day. But I was hungry.

MRI test took about 30 minutes, CT scans of chest and abdomen about 4 minutes. That's it. All the other time consisted of waiting, prepping (had to drink a lot of contrast for scans in 1 hr. and it's terrible tasting). But that's how it always is.
Nothing new.

Results should be available online for doctors to review in a day or two. I was unable to get to the appt. with radiation dr. due to all the delays. But they understood the process. He'll just review it online and give me a call. No need to go back for a visit.

As you can imagine, I'm pooped and sore from laying on 2 different tables today.
Will post results as soon as I know. Prayers are appreciated. As I've said in the past, out of my hands. Nothing I can do now.


Anonymous said...

we are sending our prayers to you. Hope you can rest tomorrow. we love ya

Anonymous said...

prayers for you indeed. Thinking of you a lot lately. I have a gift for you. Will give it to you Sunday when we send our kids to their last band camp. warm hugs, linda

Anonymous said...

Jane: Take it easy today after your long day on Thursday. Sending you tons and tons of prayers.
Love Ya,
Debs ;-}

Anonymous said...

Continued prayers for you Jane. Was a long day for you yesterday, so rest today. Your body needs it. Marie D.