Thursday, October 02, 2008

A better day (finally)

Not a good day, but better. Have reduced the meds 1/2 the amount as I did not like the feeling of looking like a zombie. My head was attached to my body, but nothing was in there. (stop your comments, Barry!) Not a pleasant feeling. When I went to get my shots, I was walking so carefully/cautiously so as to not let others see me floundering. I'm finished with my 4 shots of neuprogen. I go for my first blood work since getting this new chemo tomorrow. I've not been driving since I continue to be on meds which hasn't been fun. Barry continues to be my angel, never complains of his own aches. Drives and does almost all the cooking. I am truly thankful to him.
I try not to cry because it causes my chest plate to hurt, to be uncomfortable. Plus it wears me down. But there is a small place in my heart that I guestion things.

Please pray for my father, the old far, has he goes into the hospital next Wednesday for surgery. He's been suffering so severely. Along with taking full time care of my mother at home. Drives her to day care several times a week, gives him the time to just lie down and sleep if possible. My sister Maureen told me this

has cyst in spinal lumbar area pushing against nerve and probably cyst growing as the numbness down leg. says recovery couple weeks-older people do better as they take less pain med finally a plan and i am off that day adios back to cape Friday night

He worries about me, I worry about them. I know that God is in control, I honestly do. Just hard sometimes to get throgh the day.


Anonymous said...

JANE........You have a wonderful husband, son and the best friends in Pa. I wish I was there with you. As Lisa said we could be in our jammies together. LOL I hope your blood work comes out good tomorrow. Don't stop taking those pain meds if you have pain. Who cares how you act, you have to think of how you feel first. I love you with all my heart....

Anonymous said...

Jane...Barry and Tim are the BEST!!!!

They're perfect role models for men who can't get it straight.

Take the meds like Eileen says, pain management comes before social graces.

We offered up prayers for you during Rosh Hashanah dinner, and will again during Yom Kippur.

Tim & Amy