Friday, October 03, 2008

A nice Friday

Had blood work today, first since having my first dose of the new chemo. It's showing a drop the "counts", will be a slow roller coaster ride. Have heard it will truly effect my energy level ( not I have any now). And Barry and I got our hair cuts at the same time. Would have liked to have my camera to post it on blog. A kodak moment.

Told hairdresser my story (I always do that) as she was clipping away. I will lose it by chemo within a week or two. But this time I went the route of short pixy style cut. Feels and look great. Wanted this to be done, didn't want to wait any longer. It was a goal of mine. When the time comes, I'll find Retta to do the buzzing of my head.

Went to football game with Barry. Last minute decision. But was tired and cold at 1/2 time so we left early. Our team was winning. Tim did his job, provided me goodies that bandmembers get. So many people came up to me as I walked around with Becky. Lots of hugs and well wishes. Met someone who heads up our office there, they dropped off a autumn flower arrangements and fresh scones and butter. Yes, Barry tasted one!

Phone message when we got home. My dad is in hospital under medication. I only wish I could see him, but that would not be possible during this treatment. The way I look at it, you should treat your last conversation as if it could be your last one. And then you will have no regrets. Don't know how Maureen does it, we call her effectionately the "boss" for a reason.

I'll be calling them in a.m. for update on my dad. I love him so much.

PS. Was just mentioning to Barry that we were going to Presby church Sunday. Great minds think alike. Comment on my blog was from Rick who is President of College.
I can finally introduce him to Becky.


Anonymous said...

How wonderful you were able to get out and have a fun night - albeit cold night - and enjoy it. I'm sure those hugs and well-wishes were a great emotional boost.

You probably look so chic with your pixie doo!

I will be praying for your father. It must be rough not being there with him, but you are in spirit.

Love, JK

Anonymous said...

It's so great to hear you sound like yourself. I'm glad you were able to go to the game for a while. I bet the haircut looks cute! Keeping your Dad in thoughts and prayers. Love, Ann