Thursday, October 02, 2008

One more thought

For the past couple of days I didn't feel like I was in la la land. Bit more focused. I don't know how people can do drugs. Not for me. But I will monitor the pain level minute by minute.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your beautiful thoughts. Yes, I will try hard to "Let go, let God" today. I'm sorry we travel this journey together, but I feel blessed that I have you and your amazingly strong faith with me as an example of how to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Hope you are feeling better this weekend and continue to gain strength. Love, Ann

Anonymous said...

Hey Jane:
Have a pain free weekend and sorry your trip to la la land has not been good. Keep the faith lady!
Love Ya,
Deb ;-}

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back from La La Land. Missed seeing your blog, but knew in your absence you were hopefully getting much needed rest.

You'll continue to feel stronger each day. I thank God for you and for what He has done in your life. You are an example of how we as Christians are to Glorify God in each situation. You are living proof of His mercies and glory.

Love, JK

Anonymous said...


Want to let you know that you are in my thoughts. Bev and I will be in church on Sunday and hope to see you there if you are feeling up to it. Would be great to sit together again and share in the service. Maybe we can do a duet together when singing a hymn!

Hang in there, Jane.

President Dorman