Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chemo 2 continues

Well, got home at noon from having chemo. Barry had made me grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. I watched my soap which I had not done that often. By 2 p.m. I was in my jammies.

Beckster called me from the soccer field and told me in loud Beckster voice that Tim had scored TWO goals so far. (they ended up winning the game). While I was on the phone she cheered because he attempted a shot on goal. Told me not to worry about not being able to see Tim perform tonight, and that made the flood gates open. I had been thinking in my brain of ways I could see them perform, how to sneak in, sit all by myself isolated. But she put a reality to the situation and said it's not worth putting myself in that situation with so many sick people. I understood, and explained that Lisa P. was going to tape it for me anyway. Thanks Lisa. Tim gave me the disk, now I just have to see how I play it on DVD player. I'm not that great with disks. Cathy C. and she said she would tape for me.

Tim did soccer and left early from the game to go to chorus. Cathy C. took him from one place to the other. He just got home 1/2 hr ago all excited from his afternoon of activities. Rightly so.

I think his first band concert is the last week of Oct. I haven't checked to see how that fits into my chemo schedule.

When I was laying down I think Maureen called me. She wanted to see how I was feeling. Conversation was very quick, so quick it doesn't even seem to register in my brain! Silly me. I have an excuse, chemo brain...

Thanks for all you blog watchers. I'm impressed a blog entry on a chemo day...

PS. Have to say that my pain level is down. Hopefully it's because I was in bed truly all day. Even my chest plate area feels better. Or perhaps it's just the fresh drugs inside my body, finding their way to the bad cancer... One can hope, can't they?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dad here
Whow, all that reporting after such a trying day., You are sure AWSOME

and,,,,,,,I love you so very very much withyour strong strength day after day.
Good luck Tim, hang in there