Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend update

Twice I've had diarrhea with the past few days. Not sure what has caused it. One of days all I did was sleep all day. But have to say that was way my body is healing from recent chemo treatment.

Tim won the soccer game on Saturday and they are now in the playoffs. Yahoo. Barry did see this game on Saturday. But the next game is Tuesday night and it's up in Erie. Not local.

Becky called me at noon today. Asked if I listened to the church on the radio. I said no. She's going to get tape of the sermon as my name was mentioned in Lisa H.'s
sermon. I am considered to be "insprirational". I tell you the truth that there are many days I don't feel that way. And I am this way for my son Tim. If you know me, you know that fact. He's the reason I keep on going forward. I am so proud of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are drinking lots of liquids. You may want to call your onco if that persists. Hopefully just a side effect of your recent treatment.

Your will to survive is what inspires everyone Jane. You face adversity and are hitting it head on. Anyone facing cancer will say the same thing - what choice do we have other than to forge ahead with life? :-)

Tim is blessed to have two very loving parents. God blessed you with a wonderful son.

Love, JK