Saturday, April 01, 2006

Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry Barry

OK. Let me see. Barry's taking each day as it comes. Continues have discomfort on the side where the tumor(s) are. But is thinking positive that this is the chemo doing it's thing. He hasn't been painfree since this first direct chemo procedure done on 2/28. 7 weeks from that date he will have CT scan, which he has actually asked me if I was going to go with him. Now I definitely will. And then the following week is the second of these chemo treatments. He did some outside yard trimming yesterday which worked up a good sweat. The yard is looking pretty good. Not that it matters since we are in the process of finally getting sewers in our neighborhood. They are slowly creeping up to our area. And then our front and side yards will be destroyed. But as we know, grass can be planted. If anything, once they are done we want to make the front yard more level. This way we would be able to drive the mower to cut it rather than Barry having to do it by hand.

Barry, Tim and I went out to Mexican food for lunch. And shortly I'm heading out to dinner with my friend the Beckster. Barry will be staying home to supervise Tim and his classmates while they prepare for an English presentation.

Time to get ready. I hope Guess Who is happy now that I've talked about Barry.

Back from dinner with my girl friend. And do you realize it took me 50 years to actually go out to dinner with a girl friend. The whole time I don't think our mouths shut once! Felt good to be able to chat with a friend. THANKS, Beckster.
Our next outing will be with hubbies and kids.


Anonymous said...


"The squeaking wheel gets the oil"

Thanks for that real informative imput on BARRY BARRY BARRY BARRY BARRY BARRY

Anonymous said...

It's about time we get some information on BARRY........
Sorry to hear that's he's still in so much pain.

Anonymous said...

A US Marine that I once worked with...who experienced Tarawa... told me:...pain is weakness leaving the body.

I don't believe that for one instant.

Strength, is enduring pain that won't leave the body.

Barry has my utmost respect for what he is enduring. often defined in the most abstract of terms...but Barry defines those terms with utmost dignity.