Saturday, April 08, 2006

Proud to walk in the Relay for Life

At 10:30 a.m. it is a sunny 39 degree day. At least it's not raining.

Heading to Relay for Life shortly. Looking forward to it.

Was very pleased to have Barry walk with me at the event today. And to have Tim walk the second lap with us as a caregiver. Very honored indeed. It was a cool but sunny day. I was able to once again walk with other people who have been touched by this terrible disease. A disease that touch can male and female, young and old.

In regards to not everyone wanting to be in the limelight, I agree with that statement. I consider myself one of those people. Anyone who truly knows me can attest to that. I have never felt a need or desire to be a focus of attention or public interest. I've been dealt an obstacle in our lives and I don't intend on burying my head in the sand, but rather to hold my head high and to be a person of strength. If I can touch just one person as others have touched me on my journey, than that is a wonderful testimonial to my life. And touching a person can be done just by having someone read my small blog.

Tim and I went back in the evening to see all the luminaries lit. Truly an emotional event to see. As the names are read, honored or in memory of, the track was filled with people walking in silence. It's just a shame that the list of "in memory of" is
so long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...bask in the've earned it!