Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Barry is home!

I got to the hospital at about 9 a.m. He had been given some vicadin, which he doesn't tolerate that well. Tends to make him nauseous. Other than that, he had no medications all day. A real strong guy. Didn't even nap. Got up and out of bed, did walk with physical therapist, showed strengths to another therapist. Both said, you're finished! No need for additional therapy. As my dad said, his chemo dr. also stopped by to say hi to him. Nice guy. During the afternoon, one of his dr.s came in and said that he could stay the night, or gome. He chose go home. I do think he'll sleep good tonight in his own bed.

Tim was able to spend the night with a friend last night. I want to thank BJ for that, along with the great meal that was at our home waiting for us. She and another friend of ours, Linda, had made meals for us. Even though Barry shared his hospital dinner with me, we ate the real dinner when we got home at 8 p.m. this evening. You see, angels continue to be around us. THANKS so much for everyone. Especially the prayers. And Tim told me that BJ also made him lunch for school. Tim was funny when he told me this. Said it was first time in decade that he took lunch to school!

Barry amazed me once again. Got discharged at 6:30 p.m. and walked out of hospital, no wheelchair. A tough cookie. I've pulled myself up and out of my pity party mood from yesterday, and have continued to go forward. Once you sit in a waiting room and spend time with others in the hospital, you truly know what else others are going through. There are so many others with stories to tell, and for others to listed to.

Again, thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO thankful he is home and feeling well. His positive attitude is such an inspiration. Please tell Barry I'm praying for good news. You guys deserve it. ~ JK