Monday, November 06, 2006

Lung surgery scheduled for Monday

Tim went to Pittsburgh with us today for Barry's appointment with thoracic surgeon. It was a productive appointment. Barry has been scheduled for a stress test this Wednesday, followed by lung surgery this coming Monday, the 13th. I believe the procedure is called a lung resection. Barry will be totally out for the surgery. The surgeon will be going through the chest area and the end result will be taking out a wedge size area of one of the lungs. Then the tissue will be biopsied. This will require a minimum of 2 days in the hospital, as Barry will have tubes for drainage, up to 5 days. The average recovery time is one month. The surgeon wanted this to be done before Barry's next chemo which is first of December. Lots of thoughts in our heads today. It shouldn't be, but it is, but Barry's main concern is not being able to be at his job for these days. Guess that's called work ethic. But you know, your health is number 1. I've already made reservations for myself at the Family House near the hospital for me to stay. Not sure for how long at this point.

We forgot to ask how soon we would know biopsy results. Barry did explain that his whole work life he has dealt with paper dust and silicone. And who knows if the spots that have appeared on the CT scans are that or cancer. I don't think anyone had even inquired of his job and chemicals. We just have so many questions in our heads, a lot of what ifs? What if it isn't cancer? All the chemo drugs had got that were geared to him having lung cancer that spread to liver. Since being diagnosed with the tumors in the liver, these spots on the lungs have never changed.

My head is tired, I can't even imagine how tired he is. But he will never show it.
It's so strange. Almost daily I speak the word "cancer" so matter of factly, but then out of the blue it hits me emotionally. I try to be strong but my human side comes through at times. I let it out but then quietly tell myself to get over it, to keep the faith. And then I move forward.


Anonymous said...

We are reading all your blog.Today is Tues. and hope all goes well with the stress test. Just had mine yesterday.
Just pray that the end result of all this will be favorable.
Love, Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Jane, Barry and Tim
Good luck tomorrow, Barry. Please know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers both for Wednesday and Monday. Please take care of yourselves. gerry