Saturday, November 18, 2006


Barry's been doing at home what he would have been doing at a hospital: resting. Has not left the house since coming home. Perhaps today we'll venture out. Hasn't been able to get any good sleep, hard to get a comfortable position. Mostly has to stay on his back. Has not taken any pain meds all week.

Appears to be a dry day outside now. Hoping to get some last minute leaves taken away. May attempt to start up leaf blower that my in-laws gave us. That will be Tim's job.

Today Tim will be helping out at an All Star Sr. Soccer game, and then he will be headed for band practice which will lead into the away football game. Won't see much of him today.

I'm off to pick up pies at school. Another fundraiser. Have a good day.

PS. We've been fed like royalty this week..


Anonymous said...

Hi guys - glad to hear Barry is resting at home. Even though he is not quite comfortable, just being at home makes him more comfy. I'm so impressed he's not using pain meds. Take care - JK

Anonymous said...

Happy TURKEY Day to you all! Much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. Hope you are all comfy and cooking! Let us know if Tim scores a WHITE TAIL!