Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pathology report is in

We got the pathology results this a.m. They confirm that the lungs do have the same type of rare cancer as the liver. At least we know. Results show that the liver metastisized (unsure of spelling) to the lungs. Meaning that the original cancer was in the liver. This is what Dr. G. in Pittsburgh had told us when we met him in February. So accordingly, Barry will continue on with the same chemo as he has been getting: directly into the liver. That is the largest area involved, so that is our focus.

He has a follow up appt. with the surgeon in 2 weeks, and if all goes on plan, his next chemo will be Dec. 1st. It's very important to Barry to continue on this same schedule.

As I've said before, knowing is half the battle. Had we not done this surgery, we would not have had this confirmation.

I did go to work today, after giving Tim a treat and driving him to school. Went in a few minutes late. Barry spent the day catching up on sleep, as he didn't get much sleep last night. Rest is the best medicine.

YEAH: Emmitt and Cheryl won Dancing with the Stars!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Barry & Jane:

I'm sorry that it was confirmed to be cancer. I hope Barry can use the information to clear his mind and help him focus even more now on continuing his fight. He is so strong, and having all of the right information will make him fight harder. Education is the key to staying focused. The emotional battle is so difficult.

It is encouraging that these tumors haven't changed in size - that is good news.

I continue to pray for you guys. I pray especially for strength and peace. Please tell Barry he is such an inspiration. His strength is incredible. ~JK

Anonymous said...

Hello Barry and Jane,

I have been reading your blog and feel bad about the pathology report. However, the good news is that Barry can continue his chemo treatments. Everything helps! Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.