Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Stress test

Barry and I got to Pittsburgh for his 8 a.m. appt. this morning. The stress test lasted about 4 hrs. as we had been told. They gave him the medication through an IV. The drug had an immediate result on him. He told me that he would never recommend that test to anyone. He felt as if he couldn't catch his breath, discomfort than continued throughout his whole body. I think he felt that for about 10-15 minutes. They took pictures before and after the test. He was able to leave for about 1 hour to eat a meal. We left the hospital at noon.

Since we got home at about 1:15 p.m., I thought briefly about hopping into bed but then figured I should get myself to work for a few hours. Barry was heading to work today, so there was no logical reason that I couldn't go too. They were actually surprised to see me, but by me going there it does show them I also have a good work ethic. I stayed after everyone had left to make up some time. Ended up working about 4 hrs. which is better than missing the whole day. Plus working keeps my mind off of things.

Tomorrow Barry goes for his EKG and blood work at his local doctor's office.

Heading to Tim's 2nd indoor soccer game tonight.


Anonymous said...

Just caught-up on your last few blogs. You are a trooper. Keep it up.
We all send our love.


Anonymous said...

i am a daily reader of your blog, jane. you are doing a terrific job! please let me know how barry makes out with his monday procedure.