Friday, November 10, 2006

Today I did something that I have not done in a long time, well actually never in November. I drove my scooter to work. And boy was it cold in the a.m. It was about 37 degrees. Froze my butt off (well perhaps my chin and legs). At least the ride home was warmer. I couldn't resist after my boss told me that he was going to ride his new bike to work today. It became a challenge to me. Am glad I did it.

Heard from the surgeon and hospital today. Barry has to be at the hospital Monday at 8 a.m. and the surgery is scheduled for 11 a.m. Before the surgery he will need a EKG. Yesterday when he went to his primary doctor with the prescription for a EKG, their opinion was it was not needed due to having one after the stress test. But we did learn that there is a slight difference in these EKGs, whereas they need one which shows the graphs.

I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I am going into this knowing that Barry's been so strong these past 18 months with his chemo treatments, and that he will recover quickly. It's just something we need to do to answer the question, is there cancer in the lungs? The biopsy results will take about 5 days according to the surgeon.


Anonymous said...

catchin up on your blog, Jane. Keep moving forward as you so bravely do...we will keep sending the prayers for all of you. bj

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you, Barry, on Monday. As always, you are all in my thoughts and prayers. gerry

Anonymous said...

Jane and Barry - we'll be sending prayers up on Monday for his biopsy. Will pray that you get results quickly, and that Barry will not be uncomfortable. Hope he can come home quickly as well. GOOD LUCK.

Anonymous said...

You and Barry continue to show that when times get tough, the tough get going. You three are truly an inspiration to all! Good luck tomorrow. My prayers are with you all. Love, Mary Lou