Monday, November 13, 2006

Barry update

Barry got out of surgery at 2:45 p.m. I spoke briefly to dr. Told me that Barry would be in recovery a minimum of 2 hrs. I am actually using a pc in the waiting room of the hospital. It's been a tiring day, but can't imagine what Barry's been through today. I last saw him at 11:30 a.m. The surgeon told me that Barry came through operation nicely. Upon visual examination of tissue, the patholigist does believe that the tissue is cancer. Even though we've lived with thinking this, it is a shock once again to hear that terrible word. A roller coaster ride once again.
Have talked to Tim, but of course did not mention anything to him. Dr. did say that he may be able to come home as early as tomorrow depending on the drain having no drainage. That's promising.

The place where I'm staying is about 15 minute walk. Not bad. They do have busing until 9 p.m. Not sure if I would walk at night time by myself.

Again. thanks for concerns. Let's pray for quick healing.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jane! I am praying for you all. Love, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Got an update during the day from Mom.
We will be waitng for the next update and praying.
Matt and family.

Anonymous said...

We will hope and pray that the final results will have better news.


Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jane: Aunt Betty, Uncle Howard and I are praying that Barry have so comfort soon. We are also praying for you and Tim. Please take care of yourself and give Barry a hug from all of us in Connecticut and tell him that were are all praying for you three daily! Love Always - Debbie

Anonymous said...

You, Barry and Tim, as always, are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself, Jane. Gerry, Fred, Gary and Todd....