Wednesday, January 30, 2008

CT Scan Results are in

Yesterday I met for the first time my new oncologist. Very nice woman. She didn't know what to expect upon entering the room to meet me as she had my recent surgery papers in hand. But she was pleasantly pleased with what she saw. Saw no need for chemo or radiation according to surgeon's report from 11/1/07. Especially after all that I had been through. As they were making a mammogram appt. for me, she was able to pull up the results of the CT scan from this past Friday. She then brought me back into the room to go over them. Here's a summary of the findings:

Lung windows demonstrate scattered 3 mm pulmonary nodules, some of which are new since previous scan of Oct 2007, suspicious for metastatic disease.

There is a small soft tissue density measuring 2.2 X 1.7 cm at the left 2nd costosternal junction, which might represent residual tumor or scar tissue.

Evaluation of the liver demonstrates a nonspecific 3 mm lesion in segment 7.


She has scheduled a CT scan to be done in 6 weeks rather than the usual 3 months, to check on the nodules in the lungs. Both lungs have them.

Today, Oct. 30th, I met with surgeon in Pittsburgh Dr. Christie to go over the same CT scan results. He was the physician who had ordered the tests for me. It had been 3 months since my last scans. He agreed that the scan should be done in 6 weeks. But his main concern is the tissue that appears to be in same area as cancer was. He has immediately ordered me to have a needle guided biopsy/CT Scan guided on next Tuesday. He will be peforming this for me, with pathologists working by his side to verify that enough tissue is being taken for a good sampling. Believe me, I had no feelings that anything would show up on this test. Especially since I'm still healing from the surgery. Lots of things going on in my mind right now. But one day at a time, one test at a time, and if needed a nice dessert treat in between!
Test results take a week. Main thing is to get the tests done.

As each test comes and goes, I wonder when "enough is enough." Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted to be here typing away. But talk about an emotional roller coaster.
Geez, I don't think I'll ever make employee of the month with perfect attendance!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jane,

Both you and Barry have fought a good fight and many would say you are champions in most books. Hang in there, keep up the fight and you will someday be named employee of the month with that perfect attendance record. Of course no one can feel what you guys are feeling, but remember you are not alone on this journey. So many people are reading your blog and wishing and praying for better news everyday.


Anonymous said...


Vinny had such great words for you. Exactly what I was thinking only he said them first!!!

Hang in there. You both are fighters.


Anonymous said...

You have such a life work ethic - that beats perfect attendance any day.

Each day is a gift. No one is promised tomorrow. You are so right in how you view each day.

This verse gives me comfort; I pray it does you too:

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed." - Romans 8:18-19