Monday, April 28, 2008

Jane's comment from her father, 4/27/08:

Dads Report Sunday Evening
Today is our last visit with Jane on this trip. We return to Cape Cod tomorrow AM
Kay Eileen and I spent almost 6 hrs with her today.
Once again I must say W H O W
her rapid progress toward recovery this week astonishs everyone. She is READY for the next day, next treatment.
Today she was able to "walk around the block" independent, with wheelchair, with attendant at her side. At lunch she was able to use her right hand feeding herself ! ! ! She developed a shoulder pain from the lifting of her right arm and treatments and got med for relief.
Her theropist is awed at her progress, and said at a Staff meeting Wednesday AM he woulnt be surprised to see her discharged to home care!
Jane has a very busy week having to return to Pittsburg on the lst and again on the 2nd at which time she is supposed to have CYBERKNIFE radiation treatment (non invasive)
Told Jane today WE expect to have her visit us on Cape Cod Memorial Day weekend. She already has tickets.
Today she contiinued to have those SPECAIL PEOPLE in snd out of her room, people who K and I are surprised to see and know (28 miles to this hospital from home)
She is "blessed" to have such loyal friends, even after both she and Barry have been battling this awful disease for over 3 years.
Again, Kay and I would like to THANK everyone help us around here, picking us up at airport, and delivering us back.
Thank you, THANK Y O U.
Kay and Doug Knotts

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