Wednesday, April 16, 2008


got a call from patty who was with jane-around 11 and she said jane would be heading into surgery within 20 minutes and she had some pre med tranquilizer heading in. barry and tim on the way-had moved or time up quicker-patty-nurse anesthesia giver from her prior big surgery at other hospital in november-thank u for all your professional nursing skill help. apparently the plan is to do surgery up thru her nose-as jane and i say up your nose with a rubber hose!! told patty i would not be too surprised if jane was on ventilator post op due to her plastic chest and unable to take deep breaths-even with the paralysis on one side might warrant that but she was on a ventilator post op in november. well off to try and book some tickets for jane's brother doug who works a million hours week at his restaurant so there is no rest for the weary!! adios moe

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