Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Jane called us this am and said the usual night time interuptions were present-vs,etc so not much sleep. Her peripheral iv line had croked so the portacath was able to be accessed.Oxygen no longer needed. One jackson pratt drain removed-the one that was to wall suction. The arterial line to her heart removed.Still on iv anitibiotics,regular diet tolerated,no more iv toridol just the oral pain meds. Barry and I scooted in for 2 1/2 hour visit and she made mention that one group of md's said she might go home tomorrow.While we were with her she had a physical therapy session and respiratory therapy-John came by and took her for walk in hall and her room air oxygen levels were ok. Physical therapy will do stairs with her later.Had asked her girlfriend Carol who works at college and lives down the street to print my boarding pass for tomorrow-I never talked to her just left message and did not give her my name but she knew I had been in college store yesterday buying something and got my name from them off payment kind-you could be a private investigator. Thanks Carol for dropping off the boarding pass and goodies for Jane.And YES pictures have been taken of the new WONDER WOMAN SCAR!! she insisted we take some-will post asap. The pictures look better than that alien that was there with the fur on top of it! Mary the ICU nurse picked up gifts last night and Patty also. Well I am off the computer for now and I feel Jane will agree that my mission was accomplished to get her through this emotional roller coaster as a sister to the best of my ability. P.s. Jane not going home tomorrow-? thursday and Dr Christie came by and ordered some celebrex med to help in her pain. Will try and post on her blog when I get home. Adios Pennsylvania!! and hello Massachusetts


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear Jane had a better day today - and will be coming home Thursday! Sounds like she is gaining strength more and more each day.

Thank you so much Maureen for your calls to all of Jane's friends, and for updating her blog. Those who love Jane have been on pins and needles, and you have been such a blessing in getting the information out. Please know how much I personally appreciated your calls.

Can't wait to see words written on this blog from Jane herself. It'll be therapeutic for her, no doubt!

Love, JK

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for keeping us so informed this past week. You have been such a blessing. It must run in your genes!!!

Have a safe trip home and May God Bless You!


Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip, Maureen. Thanks for keeping us updated on Jane.

Jane, you are doing so great! You've been through so much, but you have handled this surgery so well. I know you'll feel even better when you are home.

Sending you and your WHOLE family many prayers! Ann