Saturday, November 03, 2007


A short posting again as barry and I just got home from hospitals.Did get one unit of BLOOD during surgery and TWO UNITS AFTER. He got out at noon and then we scooted to see Jane and they had just removed one chest tube-I was able to do my nursing duties of positioning pillow ,cold cloth to head, and feed her clear liquids.Prior to heading to the hospital had talked to John-Janes nurse who told me her night was lousy with hallucinations-saw bugs crawling all over,felt like rabbit's tooth up her nose from oxygen prong etc.Did mention to John that Jane has so much going through her mind and that as soon as she could get some ativan/celexa meds back in her system as she usually takes she would be feeling better. Back home now as Barry needs his rest and plan to head back around 5;30 to see her. I always tell her blog entries and your support that is given. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Glad that Barry is home and soon Jane will be too. Good day to rest here today, so windy and raining hard. Say Hi to Jane when you go back and tell her it will be over soon. Getting out of bed is the pitts, but she won't be as sore once it is done the first time. Love to u all

Anonymous said...

After talking to Patty today, I realized how much spunk Jane really has. She was so amazed at how well Jane is doing so shorty after such an intensive surgery. I am glad that she can be there to give Jane extra support, knowing that she was there through the whole operation with Jane. Miracles never cease in the form of friends. It was hard to be in Pittsburgh and not go see her, but I don't blame her for not wanting me to see her like that. I would have starting crying and that wouldn't have helped her. Just glad to know Maureen is there for her. Maureen you are going to drop in your tracks and just fall asleep. Don't forget to take care of yourself in this process. Our love to jane!!!!
love ya

Anonymous said...

Jane, you are amazing, awesome and an are so much in our prayers, hope you can feel them. Can't wait til you are back at work and all better! Keep healing.