Thursday, November 01, 2007


And yes we were up at 3;15 am and out the door shortly thereafter. Jane said she slept ok last night. Signed in at 5am and Barry and I were with her until 7am when they were going to start her nerve block. Families are assigned beepers-pt.numbers-a large screen displays when in surgery and when surgery has started. Sincy Barry couldn't sleep last night with his liver discomfort-have sent him to car and try and sleep.Have been told will be a long day and was able to meet pain team,nurses,her friend Patty who gives the anesthesia juice,orthopedic cancer md,plastic surgeon, and chest surgeon. Barry and I feel very comfortable she is in hands of "SPECIAL PROFESSIONAL ANGELS" Plan today is Intensive Care after etc.As of this time 8;45 am Jane has not gone into actual OR room so hang tight. Upon leaving Jane,Patty promised to give her that versid-twilight medicine and took Barry's cell phone number and wrote it on her pants leg. IN THIS PREOPERATIVE TIME-Cristin-nurse,Daniel-anesthesia,Alon-pain control team member,Bendavid,Dr.Goodman-orthopedic oncologist,Dr.Schwartz-plastic surgeon,Dr.Christie-major surgeon-Thanks for all your help Also waiting area-Suzanne and Ellie-soothing voices to ease stressful families worries!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy thankgiving to you guys;from the cutrones i was going back on different months early. i saw pictures of tim and his girlfriend he got so big . i will get you a picture of my kids .they got really big too. i would love to see a picture of barry to. well see you soon donna cutrone.