Monday, June 30, 2008

Another week

Since tomorrow is Tuesday, that means it's chemo day for me. I will be meeting with Dr. Simon and having my weekly blood test. Should have no issues since last week I was off from chemo. Even though I have never seem to get my energy back. Am going to mention that to the doctor, along with lack of uninterrupted sleep at night. I'm weaning myself off of the sleeping pill 'cause it just doesn't do it's job. I sleep for an hr. and then I'm up during the night. Maybe she can recommend another pill that has longer effect on me. Am also going to talk about the chemo with her. Wondering if there is a pattern. Not able to take all 3 dosages in each cycle due to low white blood cells.

My appt. is at 11:45 a.m.

Tim has 3 more days left of college. He's enjoying it a lot.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jane:

Thinking of you - hoping your treatment and meeting with Dr. Simon goes well today and she'll be able to make some changes to help you feel better.

Much love, JK

Anonymous said...

Jane: Glad that you blogged today I was getting worried and going to call you tonight to find out if you were OK. Hope Dr. can provide you with some sleeping help soon. Know what you mean, I have been hot flashing for many months and don't sleep worth a damn. Hey to bad we did not live closer then we could play cards or games all night long...HA HA...Seriously, take care. Sending Prayers Your Way Today.
Love Ya,
Debs ;-}

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers your way, Jane. I hope your week gets smoother and you get some relief. Hoping your dr. is able to help.