Sunday, June 01, 2008

Torn between 2 churches today. Aren't I blessed?

There are 2 choices for churches today. One is the Baptist where one of the Pastors came to visit me in church, Pastor Greg. He doesn't preach often at this time. And the other is the Presbyterian. The mother of one Tim's friends is going to speak today, and he has told me that doesn't happen that often. But I've chosen to be with Tim at the Presbyterian church. Aren't I blessed to be torn between 2 churches?

Let me backtrack a couple of days. On Friday we went and had a tour of the main campus of Penn State. It's about a 3 hrs. away. We carpooled with Mike, Lisa and Tim's buddy Ben. It was the first college that I've been to. Tim and Ben had been there before for Science Academy. And it's huge! I could not get over how the town has been built around the campus, I didn't know that. That is something I learned. The boys seem to enjoy it a lot. In a few weeks, on a Saturday, we'll be visiting another choice college called Pitt. which is totally surrounded by tall buildings, in the city itself. Tim has been on campus there by visiting Ben's brother Luke who attends.

This is an email from Lisa: Hope you don't mind, Lisa.

We had a blast at Penn State. I have bragged to everyone I see about how well you did!! Make sure you put that on your blog. People are amazed how you could walk that far and do that many steps and keep up with it.

I still have not driven my new car and won't until I get OK from Physical Therapist later this month. My shoulder is continuously aching, but I don't mention it a lot. Just take vicoden and motrin, and use the hottub daily which seems to help. Am very greatful to God what has been given back to me. It takes many factors: strength, attitude, being focused toward ahead, friends who say you're doing great.
And a caring family, and God. Some people say I have 9 lives like a cat. That'll be nice.

Often you'll catch me crying. It's not for sadness, it's cause I realize how so lucky I am. So you'll just have to give me that extra hug..

Updated blog: 9:45 PM

I truly enjoyed church today, seeing the teenagers all sitting up front as a group.
A nice site to see, Tim right up there with him. I sat with Patti. And I made a time on Thursday morning for the Rev. Lisa to come visit. She has been so great to me these past few years. Even though it's not my church, they provided meals in the past for us.

I didn't do much today as it is God's day of rest. (good excuse) The longest part of the day, which took up the greatest amount of time, was I took a nice long 3-4 hours nap. I even dreamed which is not common lately. Felt great. I even cooked dinner tonight. Tim helped me plant 2 more bags of flowers for the deck. Would have taken me 2 days.

I'm headed to kitchen now. Tim went to store for me after dinner. Rocky road ice cream is calling for me. Ever since I was in the hospital, I'm hooked on ice cream.

Tuesday will be my next oncologist appt. followed by chemo. Barry's driving me.
I've been letting the cancer have a vacation, time to fight back again.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry that I didn't see you in church today. I saw the timster but thought that you were at the baptist church today. I hope you had a good time. Ronnee did a nice job. She is such a stitch!! Enjoy the wonderful sunshine today. I think summer is finally here!! I will be calling Jean tomorrow. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I hope you can feel this hug coming to you from Nantucket. It is a beautiful here today, sunny, warm and not crowded. Summer is fast approaching. Take care, Love, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

enjoy spending the chemo day tomorrow with barry!! make sure u go out to lunch afterwards!! adios moe

Anonymous said...

Jane....good luck on Tuesday....take care gerry