Saturday, August 09, 2008

Headache kind of a day

I've had about 6 or 7 appts. with chiropractor. Not sure if they are working yet as my shoulder still causes me discomfort. Each visit he uses a rolling pin contraption on the backside of my neck, yesterday's visit he noticed that my left side was very stiff so therefore worked on that side. The electic stimulation feels good while it's on. I mentioned that perhaps I would check out acupuncture and he had heard good things about that method. I'm just so tired of this pain. Call me a whiner. I do realize that there are others in worse situations and should be thankful but...

This morning I woke up with headache which I haven't had in a long time. Lasted most of the day. Even a nap after lunch didn't work. Unsure what caused it but it eventually went away. Am thinking I stopped taking the ibupofren last night (had not seen a difference in pain level) and switched to another pain reliever that my oncologist recommended. I did see that a side effect was headache but after I called pharmacy I was told that headaches were not common. Perhaps it was sign of withdrawal. Don't know. Never took another one of those pills later in day. I feel that I'm just grasping for anything at this point.

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