Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A long day at Presby....

Left the house at 9:30 a.m. and got home at about 5:30 p.m. Always a long day when you go to a Pittsburgh dr.'s appt. The highlight was actually meeting Dr. Dan and Dr. Eng the two neurosurgeons that did my brain surgery in April 2008. They were pleasantly surprised in what they saw today in me. Our previous meeting I was unconscious, unable to talk and paralyzed. They both called me a "miracle." One of my questions I had noted on a piece of paper to ask them was this: did I have a tumor or was it cancer? They said yes to both. And the cancer was from my breast cancer that traveled to the brain. Same thing happened with the cancer I now have in my lungs. I had never asked anyone but had this question in my head all these months, even though I had gone through cyberknife. I did not react in their presence but as I walked to my car and on my way home I shed some tears. Lots of tears. Even though it was in the past, any time you hear the word as part of your body it stabs you in your stomach. The phone was ringing when I got home and it was Barry, and I had been crying. I explained it to him why I was upset, he already had figured it out. His assumption is when I had the chest resection in Nov. 2007, they had to cut the main artery (not sure of spelling) as the cancer was attached to it, hence the cancer cells escaped to lungs and brain. And only God knows where else.

I was looking forward to meeting Dr. Dan. I remember you told me about his dimples.
I messed up my words as it happens, and said to him that he has nice "nipples." Quickly corrected myself and apologized for using the wrong word. He understood as the specific part of my brain that was infected dealt with speech.

And yes, both of the doctors are so cute.

I'm going to repeat the MRI of brain in a couple of months. And upon examining my shoulder they are scheduling me for a nerve test. Can't remember the name. It's been a long tiring day.

And tomorrow is chemo.

PS. Tim started his 2nd college course at the college where I work. Also was his first day as a Senior in high school. He will attend 2 days a week at college.
Looking forward to seeing him if he has a second or two.


Unknown said...

Just to let you know I am still with you and praying. Just you do your job and keep fighting and the rest of us praying and you will win. Keep good thoughts and keep stopping every day to smell the flowers.
Linda in Florida

Anonymous said...

Always here for you, Jane.

Keep fighting, we're all in your corner.


Anonymous said...

you are a "miracle"...never forget!
Stop and think ...we all say it so loosely, but what does that mean?

"An event that appears inexplicable by the laws of nature and so is held to be supernatural in origin or an act of God: “Miracles are spontaneous, they cannot be summoned, but come of themselves” (Katherine Anne Porter)."
God Blesses you...bj