Friday, August 15, 2008

Next step Advanced Pain Management

The physical therapist today agreed that my situation is complex. He's very compassionate and takes the time to analyze the problem. I brought him medical reports of the surgery in Nov. 07 and my test results from July 08.

It was a very long afternoon of seeing him, and then trying to fill a prescription (that he had to have faxed from yesterday's rehab dr.) for a prescription pad. Unfortunately my insurance would not cover it and the cost for this pad is $256.00.
Someone is ripping us off. So I had to go to plan B for another medicine that is placed on a band aid type item, with a plus and a negative "battery". It's adhesive and I have to wear it for 14 hrs. Works on some theory opposites attract. Who knows. But it's been on for about 5 hrs. and I don't feel a thing. Placed on my collar bone area. The physical therapist pulled/stretched my neck and then located a spot that seems to be the cause of my pain. Collar bone area. Combination of prior surgery and being paralyzed in April.

End result is come Monday I'm going to call the Advanced Pain Mgt. in Wexford for appt. I'm losing so much energy with this chronic pain. Can't even lie down and get comfortable. Thank goodness for sleeping pill. That truly helps me sleep through the night.

I spent a few phone calls to woman at rehab doctor's office this afternoon with trying to find something comparable to the drug not covered by insurance. She has kindly offered to deliver some sample "pads" to their office in Hermitage that I can try next week. She was very helpful.


Anonymous said...


Seems like you are on your way to finding some relief. I know it can be very frustrating when nothing seems to work. I pray that the Advance Pain Mgmt. appt. goes well.


Anonymous said...

Jane: Hope you find some relief soon as I am sure the pain is starting to wear you down, but I know how strong you are you will find a cure shortly. Remember always sending pain free prayers your way lady!
Love Ya,
Debs ;-}