Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Where do I go now?

Yesterday was one of my "better" days in the past few months, had hoped it would continue. But, pain is back in shoulder area and I'm getting very upset with it. Difficult to raise my arm up/stiffness in arm pit area and shoulder. Don't know where to go. What to do? Wish someone would come up with a diagnosis so then I could make a plan to treat it. Am tired of just using and trying "bandaids".
Very frustrated to the point that tonight while Barry and I were out to dinner I just cried. And I know that is not fair to him but the pain was unbearable. Tomorrow is going to be my last appt. with chiropractor as I've been seeing him for about 3 weeks and I don't see any difference in pain. Pain mgt. could be an option but that doesn't diagnose the problem, they just give you drugs to not feel the pain. (at this stage maybe I shouldn't worry about taking drugs) Acupuncture? My body is unique due to the extensive surgery in Nov. 07 and my recent brain tumors in April of this year.

I had blood work this afternoon and my counts were OK. Just a bit above the minimum required to receive the chemo. But it was my off week so that didn't make any difference.

PS If you see me in person, please don't mention my recurring pain as I don't want to become emotional. Just post comments.


Anonymous said...


So sorry that your shoulder is hurting still so much still after all these months.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jane: I have a friend who was going through a lot of stomach pain and the Drs. could not find a cure, so he finally got feed up like you and has been doing accupunture twice a month and he eats well now and only experiences pain one or two days a month. Checking into it might not be a bad idea. Lots of pain free prayers coming your way today Lady!
Love Ya,
Debs ;-}

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane-Its Linda Evans -- Sure had hoped to find you doing better now. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I had a very good friend that went to the Cancer Centers of America site and got involved in alternative treatments and is doing real well. Maybe that would help. I would love to talk with you and will search out your phone number. If you can call me, my number at home is 724-528-8135. Take care. Linda