Wednesday, September 17, 2008

HITTING IT ON THE NOGGIN!! however it is spelled!

Just spoke to Jane and the pain is less. She told me the blog postings keep her going!! She was able last night to read them quickly as they still have no power. PLEASE KEEP POSTING!! YEH TIM for getting a 96 on your first college test in psychology----an AAAAA Yes Jane I will yell it around cape cod today!!adios moe


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are having some relief from the pain! I hope you are getting some well deserved rest. And yes, CONGRATS TO TIM! Love, Mary Lou

Anonymous said...

Jane: Great news that the pain is starting to go away a bit. What about that smart guy, Tim! Be sure to tell him I said way to go! Hope your power returns soon. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
Love Ya,
Debs ;-}

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you have been dealing with no electricity all this time. Can't believe you haven't come to your friends for 'power"!!! Call on your cell if you need anything. I am not calling you so as to save your cell power. I had a feeling you were going to come back from the dr. with a fighting plan. good for you. FORWARD!! all our love

Anonymous said...

Jane: Please hang in there! I'll keep praying that you get some more relief from the pain! Love, Terri

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear you have a little relief today! Prayers continue. Yea, Tim -- good job! Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane.......Glad Barry got the new generator so you can get online. He told me it is running alot of things in the house. Hope you have a good rest tonight. I am so proud of Timmy...he is such a good kid. I love you all very much............